Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What I did yesterday

I have been trying to find a way for the boys to have a play room. At first I took over a section of the den downstairs but it got a little crowded. We have a nice size house but we fill it up to the brim for sure! So yesterday I finally set out the task to design a play room for the boys. I'd rather them share a room to sleep and have a seperate room to play together in then to have their own rooms. Ashton still has his own room, but I moved him to the smallest one. Collin, Caleb, and Zach all bunk together, which they were all excited about. They are just sleeping in there, whats the big deal right? Now they have a nice room to play in, take friends, and get out of my hair (lol) without making a mess in each others room and fighting over who's gonna clean it up! Mainly it took all the junk from downstairs so our living room and den can once again be what they were intended for. I am very excited! Its all organized put away.

These are the sides that held up Zach's loft bed. He wanted
his bed on the floor instead and these work perfect for storage!

We got the pc desk and table at a garage sell this summer for
10 bucks!

The table and shelf came from my apartment and were
taking residence in the den, so glad to have them out!
Overall I love the way it looks. It may not all match but oh well! Boy am I paying for it today though! All that dust I blew around swapping everyones rooms is about to kill me!

1 comment:

The Sawyers said...

Looks great! Very nice work Melissa. Those boys are going to love it, and it looks like it will sure help you out too!