Friday, November 28, 2008

Good idea I thought I'd share

I have always wanted to start celebrating Advent with the boys. I think it's a good idea to focus on Christ for a full month before Christmas- I don't want the boys to only think of presents when they think of Christmas.
A friend of mine told me about a tradition she heard someone share. Instead of doing an Advent calendar they did a link. You make paper links and write things on them like 'give someone a hug'. Everynight they tear alink off and the kids have to do what it says the next day. On Christmas eve they put all the links and wrap it, as their present to Jesus. I thought that was awesome! What a way to show the kids how to please Jesus and what Christmas is all about!
The other night we sat down as a family and came up with what we'd write on our links and then put them together. I also bought a book called 'a family advent'. It has a devotion for evening, activities for 3 days a week, and fun facts. It is really a nice tool to use. The activities are very community service based, getting the kids to think of others and helping out. I am really excited to start this tradition with my family!

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