Thursday, July 3, 2008

Splish Splash

Well yesterday was a day for excitement. I was really excited to use my new camera that could go UNDERWATER! I still need to learn all that it can do, but it is so neat to take pictures underwater, not to mention not having to worry about getting it wet at the pool or beach. Other than that, Caleb switched from the life jacket to arm floaties. I was really excited and proud. He does a really good job at kicking his legs and moving about. PLUS, he had that guts to go off the diving board, so I let him. After that one time, I couldn't keep him from doing it. Its good to see him more comfortable in the big pool, when we first went he wanted to stay in the baby pool ;)

1 comment:

The Sawyers said...

so cool-love the camera-everyone needs an underwater camera