Friday, July 25, 2008

Fishing at the Pond

Zach and I had a fishing date today. While the other boys are at their moms, I am taking advantage of some one-on-one time with him. He has been BEGGING for weeks to go fishing, ever since they all got poles from their grandpa, so today we took off for the big adventure. I was very impressed with myself, I hooked the worm AND even cut some in half with a rock (they were pretty big crawlers). Shocking, huh? At first I was kind of nauseous, but I quickly got a hold of myself and sucked it in for the big picture, a fun day with my son ;) WELL the day was fun, but we didn't catch any fish. The fish, on the other hand, received a tasty treat for free- they kept stealing our bait! Eventually we got tired of re-baiting and called it a day, I assumed that I must be doing something wrong and decided we needed help from the expert, dad- defeated, yet happy, we walked away with a smile ;)

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