Thursday, April 30, 2009

Beautiful day outside

We had a beautiful weekend! It was warm with a hint of a breeze, and the best part was that Zach was feeling good enough to enjoy it. The sunshine had some to do with it, but I am guessing finally using the restroom, played the biggest rule. (pardon me for bringing up poo, but goodness knows he needed to get all the air out before he could feel better!)

I decided to surpirse my husband by doing some gardening. It was a lot of fun but kinda sad to know that some other family would be enjoying the rewards.

Zach's potted plants, so proud if his work

Zach took care of the weeds and I worked on mulching.

Couldn't have asked for a better day, except of course to have had my other boys with us.

My first blooms!!!!

-- Post From My iPhone

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