Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Little Blessings

Today was kind of a rougj day for me, my cousin got bad news about her cancer. Ashton could tell I was upset and swept the kitchen floor for me- the way to my heart LOL! At dinner his prayer was beautiful for my cousin and her son- he was concerned about where he would live. The best blessing was during ourfamily devotion. We prayed about how we could help others during the Christmas season. After I talked to them about the Kokomo Rescue Mission and how we could help them feed the homeless. The boys get 2 dollars a week allowance so I threw out the idea that they could give this weeks allowance and we would match what they gave. The boys were all very open to the idea. What grabbed my heart was that Ash went and got a $5 bill out of his wallet, he wanted to give more! That's a lot of money to a 9 yr old, I thought I was going to cry. Then Zach went and got a dollar he had found on the bus and Colline went and cleaned out all the pennies in his piggy bank. In those moments where you think you're not getting through, God blesses you with these moments that prove its all shining through!

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